marți, 20 aprilie 2010

The one

So I find a reason to smile with shine each single morning,now I can count on someone Friday nights to take me dancing and then to park on Sundays
We plan more dreams...and someday think of kids...or maybe just to save a little money
You're the one I need....even the way back home looks always long...when you're right next to me I'm holding on
You're the one I real life has just begun cause there's nothing like your kisses and your touches.In a world full of strangers,you're the only one I know...
With you I've learned to cook and I've finally lost my kitchen phobia
Now I've got the perfect arms to cuddle in when there's a ghost or a muse which brings insomnia
We plan more thoughts
We listen more happy songs
We capture our movements in perfect photos and we keep them safely
It always takes a little help from someone to turn the lights off or to stop the alarm clock in the morning which rings way too noisy
How can I actually wake up when I feel so comfortable in your arms?
How can I actually open my eyes when I still dream you?
How is that the time flies when I'm with you?
07:00 a.m!!!!!!!!07:00 a.m!!!!!!
Stop that damn alarm hug me and whistle softly in my ear,turn over and don't you dare opening your eyes now
please 5 minutes more!!
I ,,prooooomiseeee I'll wake 5 minutes"[Yeah RIGHT]
,,Is getting late"
,,OK OK!come here"
08:02 a.m....
God Damn it!!It's late!!
Me first in the bathroom
Don't you even think!God,I love being with you in the morning...:X

Un comentariu:

  1. ce frumos :) ... cum urmam unii aceleasi drumuri, dar totusi atat de departe unii de ceilalti

